Monday, September 24, 2007

September 24th, 2007

- September 24th, 2007 -
Maintained by Krista Barrett

~ Listed Best Site in Writer's Digest magazine! 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 & 2007 ~
~ Listed #3 of The Writer magazine's "25 Best Writer Websites"! ~

Bringing you the best writer-related resources online; free articles, paying job listings and call for submissions, contests and more -- every Monday! A warm welcome to all my new subscribers and 'welcome back' to my current readers and writers!

-- PASS IT ON! --
Feel free to forward this newsletter in its entirety to your friends or fellow writers. I appreciate it!Subscribe:


Genuine home-based photography system lets you earn up to $250 a day and also gives you the opportunity to earn monthly residual income off every photo that you submit online.

Get your ad here! This newsletter is read by 9,000+ readers!


ADVERTISE IN OUR WRITER-RELATED NEWSLETTER!$25 for 2 issues or $40 for 5 issues!


Hello All!

I've created a few new blogs that you might be interested in. I've added a 'book reviews needed' blog as well as a 'book reviewers available' blog. So, if you need a book review, or you are a book reviewer, you can now send me your details (please follow instructions for this located on righthand columns) and I'll post them in the blogs and in the newsletter. Here are the blog links:

Book Reviews Wanted
Book Reviewers Available

Also, a few of you have been asking for this. I'll now be posting a copy of the newsletter online at a blog so you can read it online as well. There is also an archive listing so you can look up older newsletters. You can find that here:

If you head over to the newsletter blog, please take a moment to take part in the poll located on the lower righthand side. Thanks!

On a personal note, the family is doing well! We're busy as beavers but happily so. Isaiah is going to preschool now and loving it! He's also in swimming lessons...not loving that so much just yet but we're working on it. Maggie starts "Storytime Ballet" this Thursday...that outta be very interesting. She's two and basically a mini my mother says as she cackles and rubs her hands together. I ask that nice? (grin)

Stay healthy and enjoy the issue!

Happy Writing,Krista Barrett, Site Owner

Writer Gazette, Inside Writer's Guide series, Writers Manual & EbooksCafe

NEW Mailing Address: Writer GazetteSuite #402, 7231 - 120th St. Delta, B.C. V4C-6P5 Canada

P.S. You can check out my fiction and non-fiction books here: or my photography here:

* What's Happening at Writer Gazette

* Author/Freelance Interviews Just In
* Ask WWOW - Writer-related Question Board
* Writer Brag Board
* Connecting Writers Worldwide

* Book Reviews Wanted for Writers
* Book Reviewers Available
* Resources for Writers
* Recommended Writer Services
* Call for Submissions & Freelance Jobs
* Contest Listings for Writers
* Writer Gazette Office

You can give $5 or more to help me keep this fr/ee site and newsletter going!CCNow (credit cards): PayPal (members): Mail your contribution to:Writer GazetteSuite #402, 7231 - 120th St.Delta, B.C. V4C 6P5Canada* Cheque payable to: TOPZONE SYSTEMS INC.


* Aneeta R Sundararaj

Thanks so much, Aneeta!


NOMINATE WRITER GAZETTE!If you appreciate our website, please consider nominating Writer Gazette for the Writer's Digest's 101 Best Sites of The Year! Simply send your nomination, along with the following information to: mailto:writersdig@fwpubs.comSubject "101 Best Sites"Message body: I would like to nominate Writer Gazette for the 101 Best Sites of the Year! Thanks so much!** Please consider nominating my other free writer-related websites; EbooksCafe ( and Writers Manual ( Thanks so much!!

* NEW! BOOK 2: REJECTION LESSONS ANTHOLOGYRejections...We've all received them. It's what you do with them that counts. Learn how fellow writers who have traveled the dark and dusty road of rejection have learned to deal with it. Includes actual rejection letters received by writers! This is the second book of the "Inside Writer's Guide" book series.
* BOOK 1: WORKBOOK FOR WRITERS!"Discovering the Writer Within" written by Krista Barrett and Michelle Froese, is an in-depth workbook for writers and is now available for purchase in Print & eBook format! Read the foreword by best-selling author Peter Bowerman,and reviews by Kimberly Ripley, Rob Daugherty, Rusty Fischer, and Sheri' McConnell! This is the first book of the "Inside Writer's Guide" book series.
* Seeking Submissions for next book! I'm currently accepting submissions for the third book of the "Inside Writer's Guide To..." book series entitled "Writer Calamities". We're looking for wacky, unbelievable, and/or humorous stories! What's the wildest writer-related experience you've ever had? Crack us up! Awe us! Please sum up your submission with a one-sentence lesson or quote. Full details can be found here:


* nothing new this week

* Donna Tovander

Get interviewed here:

Do you have a writer-related question? Send your question to Subject line: "Ask WWOW" and we'll post the answer in our newsletter.

Q: Hi Should I over look the simultaneous submission rule? The magazine says they will consider reprints, so does it really matter if one other place has my story besides them? The chances of two magazines taking a story at the same time are rare. One magazine is large press. The magazine that takes reprints is small press. Thanks Monique Howard

A: I am assuming from your question you are submitting an article and not a query and have not agreed with an editor to produce an article or story. If you have made an agreement to produce an article than no, you shouldn’t submit to more than one publication. From the point of view of an editor, a simultaneous submission is a no-no, but considering the number of editors that NEVER get back to the writer or the fact they take months and months, I would ignore this requirement unless you have an agreement. I could never imagine a professional salesman making only one call and waiting until the client gave a yes or no answer before going to see another client. Any salesman that did that would starve. And as a writer you are also a salesman for your work. Good sales people and good direct marketers realise that high sales is from playing a percentage game. The more you send out, the more sales you make. However, keep a list of all that you send to and when you get a yes, immediately withdraw the article or story from all other editors without an explanation. If by some miracle two say yes at the same time, explain why you submitted simultaneously. If you date your submission, I suspect you can say something, “Since I hadn’t heard in over three (ten, thirty-six) months, I assumed you were no longer interested.

About Donna: D-L Nelson, a Swiss American living in Europe, is author of two novels CHICKPEA LOVER: NOT A COOKBOOK and THE CARD. She has published twenty three short stories and is editor/publisher of She has taught creative writing, journalism and business communication at the university level. She has a monthly column in an English writing magazine. Website:


DO YOU HAVE A WRITER-RELATED SUCCESS STORY?Have you sold an article, short story, or manuscript? Got something you want to 'brag' about? Share it with us and we'll post it in our newsletter along with your name and URL. Write us at Subject line: Brag

* I just published my first book in PublishAmerica "The Lord is My Shepherd" to be released later this year (2007) and two articles in Penned from the Heart for 2008. I am working on my second book for next year (01/2008). White

* Up and coming author, Christie Silvers, will be releasing her paranormal romance novel, A Midnight Infatuation, on October 1, 2007. If you like stories about vampires and werewolves then you will LOVE this book. You can check out the book trailer and find out more information about the upcoming release on or on the book's very own MySpace page at Christie is also the author of Toddler Logic: 50 Things That Your Toddler Wants You to Know. You can find this book on the publisher's site at and on

* In the good news department, my short story "Anasazi Moon" will soon be printed in the second edition of The Creative Writer series of books by J.D. Vine publishing...Regards...Gene Alvin aka "Aelf"...:D

* Hi Krista, My short story, "Wealth Means Everything" is in "Man's Story 2" issue 12, a pulp fiction magazine, available now on The title's, "Double Agent and other Stories of Suspense and Terror." The link is as follows: My romantic short stories via "Bristol Square Magazines" are now available for downloading at the Payloadz Store. The link is as follows: Just type in my name, Claire Luna-Pinsker, and my story list will come up. To all lovers of romance, people who love reading, writers, editors and publishers, please feel free to visit my website, or My Space Page Explore my stories and photography, blogging commentary and thoughts on living a romantic life. Can't forget to mention I love horror too. Don't forget to sign my guest books and let me know you stopped bye. Wishing you and all your readers a lifetime of romantic sunsets,Claire Luna-Pinsker

* Hi, Krista et al. For a long time I fantasized about having a story accepted by The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and this summer that happened. My short fantasy story, "Fergus," has been accepted and will appear in the magazine within the next several months! Fantastic! Thanks for listening, and do check out the website for my novel Underland (a fantasy, what else): Mary Patterson Thornburg

* Hi Krista, I am working with the national head of Dog Scouts of America (yes, there is such a group) on a title in the Dog Heroes series, for Bearport publishing. The book is aimed at the educational market.Bearport ( Scouts ( Bueche (, Shelley Bueche

* If your first novel is accepted by a real live publisher two weeks after you type The End and close that Word file, is the success as sweet as if you'd been writing for decades before "making it"? I can't answer that question, but I can tell you how unbearably sweet it is when, after writing for 30 years, your third (of seven) novels is snatched up. You feel like you've stuck your finger in a light socket--electrified! If Truth Be Told, my third novel but the first to be published, was accepted by Five Star, an imprint of Thomson Gale. What's even better is that the first printing was sold out in less than two weeks and the second printing continues to sell. I spent my time during those thirty years wisely, I think, not despairing of ever being published, but writing, writing, writing. As a result, I have a mystery series being looked at by a publisher at this moment. I can tell you right now, it won't be another thirty years before my next release!Moral: Keep on writing, keep on believing, and never, ever give up.Lynda Fitzgerald IF TRUTH BE TOLD, June 2007

Do you have a question for a fellow writer? Do you have something writer-related that you want to share with fellow writers? Send your details to: subject line: CONNECTING. No advertisements please - this is for writer-related communication only. A maximum of 50 words. Thanks!

* Poetry: I have never written a line of poetry and wouldn't know what is good I guess or marginal. I'd like to try it but would like to know more about the types there are and what people want to read: subject matter? Thanks for your appreciated reply.

* SF Bay Area writer's group is offering new members the opportunity to attend one event free-of-charge to try out the group. Contact for details.

* Hi Krista! I've been a subscriber for quite a while. I have two blogs. One is and the other is

* Just wanted everyone to know that I am available for consulting jobs whether it be as an HR or a writing consultant. As an HR consultant, I have experience in Benefit orientations, Retirement orientations, reporting, presentations of any type, employee relations, recruiting, etc. As a Writing consultant: I have experience in writing novels, promotion of novels, book trailers, web content, manuals, policy and procedures, bios, newsletters, blogging, speaking engagements and more. Please feel free to contact me at (615) 414-3217 or email me at! Taryn Simpson

Do you enjoy reading? Want to help out your fellow writer and provide a book review? Check out this section and contact the author directly for review instructions. Are you an author needing a review for your book? Send your book details to: subject line: BOOK REVIEW. Please include your contact details as the book reviewer will contact you directly. Thanks!

* Title: Just Knowing Jesus- A Divine Love Story
Author: Johnnie White
Synopsis: This story is about a man who goes into a supermarket in response to a call for help. He is rendered unconcious and when he awakes he is under arrest charged with assault and robbery. He is tried and sentenced to prison, only afet he gives his life to Jesus as his savior. He begins to witness to both staff and prisoners about his relationship with the Lord. When the prison is caught up in an uprising he assists with negotiating a settlement, which results in the real criminals being apprehended and he being released.

* Title: One Is Fun
Author: Leona DeRosa Bodie
Synopsis: Starting with his first birthday, One is Fun follows Logan’s adventures. This picture book helps children build social skills and find joy in family interactions.
Contact email:



* Hello, I would like to place an ad on your news letter as a book reviewer. I have experience reviewing poetry, short stories and full length stories. The work varies from fiction to non- fiction. Also, I review academic works as well. I am currently reviewing a book of poetry. I hope to hear from you soon. Monique Howard

* Name: Angela Watkins
Books I review: Christian, family-friendly, business, career, educational, money, finance, Technology, computer, parenting, marriage, divorce, grief, abuse, health, cancer survivors, MS, entrepreneurial, Multicultural
Contact email: &
Website: &


Check out our article listing. We've got over 450 articles housed at Writer Gazette!


* - aims to help writers to find markets for their work by offering a constantly updated comprehensive online database of publishers, magazines, broadcast media and agents. Plus it has a growing collection of in-depth articles by industry professionals on all aspects of the writing and publishing process. No Catch, No Fee.

* The Motivated Writer - a free newsletter 'where inspiration and determination meet.

* Discover 25 Ways To Write For Money! You Can Earn A Good Income As A Writer AND Have A Dream Lifestyle Working From Home.

* How To Write And Publish Your Novel - Award-winning Novelist Teaches You How To Write And Publish Novels Like A Pro--live Help Available!

* Become An Expert Copywriter!Team Up With The Worlds Top 20 Copywriters And Let Them Show You How To Write Million Dollar Ads, Sales Letters And Web Marketing.

* 5 Minute Writing Course by Nick Daws - Get published within minutes, with this brand new writing course from best-selling author Nick Daws. FR*EE gifts for all orders placed by midnight, tonight.


ADVERTISE HERE FOR $25 FOR 2 ISSUES or $40 FOR 5 ISSUES! Advertise your book, product, or service! Includes URL, email address and 25-word ad. Details:


-- Accidental Cowgirl: Six Cows, No Horse and No Clue --A memoir by Mary Lynn Archibald. With one stroke of the pen, we quite unexpectedly acquired a cattle ranch! It was silly, crazy even, but one of my most uplifting experiences.
WHERE DO YOU FIND A GOOD EDITOR OR PROOFREADER THESE DAYS? Get dependable, top-quality literary services - everything you need - ALL UNDER ONE ROOF...
-- WILL YOU SAY IT RIGHT ON-AIR???????? --If you will be doing radio interviews promoting your book, do call me first. Eileen Parker, Author Media Interview Trainer.
-- Finally someone has written a guide for first time Authors --"Amen!" A Simple Guide to Self-Marketing Your Christian Book" By Leon Mentzer
-- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN WRITERS --Where Women Unite To Write--Get the FR.EE updated eBooklet, RESOURCES FOR WRITERS by subscribing to NAWW WEEKLY, the FR.EE inspirational/how-to eZine for women writers. Visit us at
-- VISIT WRITERSBREAK.COM TODAY! --Find articles on the craft and business of writing, and interviews with some of today's most compelling authors at Subscribe to our monthly ezine, Writer's Break Monthly by sending an email to Educating and inspiring writers around the globe.

LIST YOUR CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR FR.EE! Email ad to Subject line: JOB. We only accept paying call for submissions at this time.

* The Kids Ark
PAY: $25 - $100
“The Kids’ Ark” began as a dream – a dream of what a children’s magazine should be, a Bible-based, interactive magazine. That dream became a reality with the first issue print of 20,000 copies. Geared for children ages 6-12, this is a 24-page, full-color, Quarterly magazine. “The Kids’ Ark” is designed to fight the flood of negative media and peer pressure that threatens to drown our children by offering a viable alternative full of the truth about God’s love.

* Adventure Books of Seattle
PAY: $10
At Adventure Books of Seattle we need some more science fiction stories for our new paper print magazine, Escape Velocity. There is a token 10USD payment as well as a comp copy. Also if you have a sci fi article desperate to escape your harddrive, then send it to us - also for payment. Check out details at

* Coyote Wild
PAY: $.01/word and $10 for poetry/flash fiction
Speculative fiction magazine: Speculative fiction contains science fiction, fantasy, horror, or magical realism elements. Be sure to follow the guidelines at the site.

* Absolute Write
PAY: $.02/word
We're always looking for new interviews, articles, essays, and humor for this newsletter. We pay $0.02 per published word ($10 minimum) or a 1-year subscription to the Absolute Markets Premium Edition ($15 value, see for a free sample). We're happy to consider reprints, and we ask only for nonexclusive electronic rights. Got some advice for your fellow writers? Check out our guidelines here:

* Seeking Personal Stories About The Iraq And Afghanistan Wars
PAY: $109 - $200
The story site Common Ties has been publishing personal stories on a wide range of topics since October of 2006 and began posting audio stories in September of 2007. Among its themes, Common Ties is seeking personal stories about the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Stories are due by October 2 and selections will be made by October 5. We are looking for stories of people who were (or are) in Iraq or Afghanistan during the current wars as well as of friends and family of these people. Please do not submit general essays or opinion pieces; we just publish personal stories. Stories can be written using your byline or a pen name and should be between 750 and 1500 words. (If you prefer to writer a shorter story, please see the Notice about Quickies at the bottom of this ad.) We purchase both original stories and reprints. Payments are typically between $100 and $200 per story, although writers can suggest another amount. Should your story be accepted, we may approach you to record it. If we do you will receive a microphone, and recording assistance. If your recording is accepted, you will receive an additional $150. For more, please check out Common Ties. Contact

* Creative Webblogging
PAY: $225 (US) - paid via PayPal or Moneybookers/month
Get paid to blog with us at Creative Weblogging! We are one of the largest blog networks, with over 135 blogs in five languages. We will help grow your online reputation, establish you as a thought leader - and pay you, too.

* Christian Writers Needed
PAY: $10 articles, $2.00 Poetry upon acceptance
Christian writers needed for newsletter. This is not a career opportunity. It is a opportunity for writers to submit their work for acceptance in our newsletter. It is not an ongoing job. However depending on the quality of your articles or poems we may accept more than one. Please send email for more information to

* Boston Review
PAY: varies

Boston Review acquires the first-serial rights to accepted pieces; copyright reverts to the author after publication. We do not consider previously published material. Simultaneous submissions are fine as long as we are notified of the fact. Boston Review combines commitments to public reason and literary imagination. Putting politics and poetry on the same page, we anticipate a world that is at once more democratic and more imaginative than our own. We are a magazine of political, cultural, and literary ideas, and we take that designation seriously: our intellectual range distinguishes us from any political journal or literary quarterly, while our seriousness of purpose sets us apart from other general-interest magazines.

* The Washington Monthly
PAY: $.10/word
A DC-based publication covering politics, government, culture and the media. Before you pitch a story to us, we recommend you read through a few of our back issues online or in print to get a feel for the type of investigative, system-analysis journalism we value and promote. The magazine is published 10 times a year and includes investigative and opinion-based feature articles (2,000 to 5,000 words), occasional short news items and humorous sidebars (500 to 1,000 words), and book reviews of recent political and cultural titles (usually about 800 words). We occasionally print excerpts from forthcoming political books. We never publish fiction, poetry, or celebrity profiles.


LIST YOUR FR.EELANCE JOB FOR FR.EE! Email ad to Subject line: JOB AD. We only accept paying job positions at this time.

* Beauty Blogger Needed
Creative Weblogging is currently looking for an additional blog editor to write for - 7 posts a week/32 a month, min. 70 words each, for a compensation of $225 a month. Applicants should have a minimum of 30 days consecutive blogging experience either in the topic or some how related to the topic. We are looking for someone who is passionate about the topic, loves to blog, and will commit the time necessary to bring this blog to the next level. If this sounds like you, then send us a brief email to requesting an application. For more specifics about Creative Weblogging, position requirements, and compensation, see our Get Paid to Blog page at

* Fashion Blogger Wanted
Creative Weblogging is currently looking for an additional blog editor to write for 7 posts a week/32 a month, min. 70 words each, for a compensation of $225 a month. Applicants should have a minimum of 30 days consecutive blogging experience either in the topic or some how related to the topic. We are looking for someone who is passionate about the topic, loves to blog, and will commit the time necessary to bring this blog to the next level. If this sounds like you, then send us a brief email to requesting an application. For more specifics about Creative Weblogging, position requirements, and compensation, see our Get Paid to Blog page at

* Medical Writers Needed
Looking for qualified writers for a medium-sized educational publishing company with background in medical fields for contract-based telecommuting positions. Pay is based on productivity, so if you're a motivated person with a writer's talent this could be the opportunity you're seeking. This position is being posted confidentially because of the competitiveness of the company's business, but applicants are aware that the work involves writing educational materials and interpreting large amounts of technical medical information quickly. Those interested should send a resume to Please put DFW Craigslist in the subject line. Up to $20/hour.

* Book Reviewers Needed
Failure magazine, the eight-year-old online magazine at is looking for freelance writers to pen three-to four-paragraph book reviews (recent releases, non-fiction ONLY). See and for samples. We offer $15 per review (hey, we’re an independent online zine), so it’s ideal if 1) you have already read the book, 2) are very interested in a particular title and want a free review copy, 3) are looking to generate online clips. Or, all of the above. Titles we are currently interested in reviewing are posted at Please check back periodically for an updated list. For best consideration please send links to online clips and titles you are interested in reviewing (plus a copy-and-pasted resume, if you’d like) via craigslist to No attachments will be opened.

* Guest Blogger is looking for a guest blogger to post a couple of times a week about living in your first apartment. Share what your have learned about furnishing your place, living with roommates or alone, dealing with landlords and neighbors, managing your finances, and whatever else might come up. Tell us what makes YOUR first apartment experience worth sharing with other first apartment hunters and newbies. We pay $10 a post. Contact

* Spanish Translator Needed
We are looking to hire someone fluent in both Spanish and English for a small translation project in the middle of October 2007. Successful completion of the project may lead to other translation projects in the future. This position will require excellent communication skills, an understanding of modern Spanish language and the ability to translate Spanish textinto English with a high degree of accuracy. Experience is not necessary but applicants will be asked to complete a short written test to demonstrate their ability. Please respond with a resume and cover letter. Compensation: $15/700 translated English words. Contact

* Copy Writer for Newsletter
Looking for someone experienced who can write and edit content on my website and manage newsletter content. Experience with Constant Contact or other program required. Please email resume and work history/experience with the above mentioned items. Location: Henderson or online. Compensation: $20 hour - 3-4 hours per week. Contact

* Article Writing Positions
Seeking freelance writers for article writing positions at our website, We are interested in articles related to starting a freelance writing career, breaking into different freelance writer's markets, and making more money freelance writing. We pay a minimum of $15 per article for non-exclusive rights. Contact

* State House Freelancers Needed
The State House News Service, an independent, privately-owned wire service covering Massachusetts state government in depth, needs one or two freelancers to spend 1-2 days a week at the State House covering politics and government: news conferences, legislative hearings and the like. These do not have to be full days - the schedule is dictated by the news cycle. The most important requirement is the ability to produce clean, clear copy quickly on deadline; some familiarity with Massachusetts government will help greatly, but doesn't have to be extensive. Send three clips of published work (required!) and your resume to Michael Norton, Editor, State House News Service, Room 458 State House, Boston MA 02133. We will begin replying Oct. 1. See for more info on the News Service. $90 a day payment.

* Oregon Freelance Writers
You're a born writer and living in Oregon looking for an outlet. The Mail Tribune is an outlet looking for born (or aspiring) writers. If you'd like to beef up your portfolio with snappy pieces about the great outdoors, home design, health, fitness or family life, send an introductory letter and writing sample to All submissions will receive a reply.



* Call for Writers
Deadline: Emailed or Postmarked by October 15, 2007
World AIDS Day: A Day With Art. Poems, Plays, Short Stories relating to AIDS. Each category will have a first, second and third place winner. Wining poets and short story writers will be invited to read their work on December 1 at the Santa Fe World AIDS Day: A Day With Art. If winners cannot attend, readers will be appointed. Winning plays will be read by actors. All proceeds from the event will go to support AIDS charities. Visit for complete rules. Click on World AIDS Day Writing Contest. Or email

Deadline: November 21st, 2007
Entry Fee: $5 - $10
SUBMISSIONS: We are seeking high-quality, literary fiction and nonfiction that fits with the overall mission of Cezanne’s Carrot and with the theme "Return of the Light." We invite submissions in three categories: fiction (1,001 to 3,000 words), flash fiction (100 to 1,000 words), and creative nonfiction (100 to 3,000 words). PRIZES: Winners of each category will receive $100 (USD) and be published in the 2007 Winter Solstice edition of Cezanne's Carrot. All submissions to this contest will be considered for publication in that issue. ENTRY FEE: $5 for flash fiction; $10 for longer fiction and creative nonfiction. DEADLINE: November 21, 2007. Winners will be announced on our website when the Winter Solstice issue goes live on December 21, 2007. HOW TO SUBMIT: All submissions must be received online via the submission form at CEZANNE’S CARROT is a quarterly online literary journal published by Spiritual, Transformational, and Visionary Arts, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. To get a better idea of the type of work we publish, read our current and past issues at COMPLETE CONTEST GUIDELINES are available at Cezanne’s Carrot at

* Writing It Real's fall personal essay writing contest
Deadline: December 1st, 2007
Entry Fee: $15
Reading period ends December 1; winners announced by Christmas. Cash prizes and more. $15 reading fee entitles entrant to a six-month subscription to Writing It Visit for guidelines. Electronic or mailed submissions.

* The Dream Quest One Poetry Writing Contest
Deadline: December 31, 2007
Entry Fee: $5 - $10
Open to everyone whether experienced or not. This competition welcomes anyone who loves to arrange words into beautiful art or to write a short story that is worth telling. And to all who have the ability to dream. Write your best short story or poem for a chance to win cash prizes. All works must be original. ( Write a poem, thirty lines or fewer on any subject, style or form, single or double line spacing, neatly hand printed or typed.and/or(2) Write a short story five pages maximum, single or double line spacing, on any subject or theme, creative writing, fiction or non-fiction (including essay compositions, diary, journal entries and screenwriting). Must also be neatly hand printed or typed. Multiple poem and story entries are accepted. Winners will be announced on January 31, 2008. Prizes: Writing Contest First Prize: $500. Second Prize: $250. Third Prize: $100. Poetry Contest First Prize: $250. Second Prize: $125. Third Prize: $50. Entry fees: Writing Contest entry fee is: $10 per short story. Poetry Contest entry fee is: $5 per poem. To send entries by mail: Include title and story or poem, your name, address, phone#, email, brief biographical info. (Tell us a little about yourself) on the coversheet, add a self-addressed stamped envelope for entry confirmation. Mail entries/fees payable to: Quest One Poetry Writing ContestP.O. Box 3141 Chicago, IL 60654 Visit for further details, to print out an entry form or to enter online.


Some of the information found in this newsletter was obtained from these sites:



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SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS...Do you have any suggestions or ideas for this newsletter and website? Any criticisms or comments on how I can improve my services? Write me at and I will do my best to meet your needs.

Happy Writing!

Krista Barrett, Site Owner

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Writer Gazette:

Writers Manual:

Ebooks Cafe:

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Adventures of Isaiah Book Series:

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